white trans person with a buzzcut hairstyle smiling

Victoria-Elliot Bush

PhD researcher in Linguistics, Queen Mary University of London


About Me

My name is Victoria-Elliot, or Elliot for short, and I am a formal linguist. A semanticist at my core, but I gleefully dip into morphology and syntax when the opportunity arises. I enjoy taking a creative and multi-faceted approach to puzzles in theoretical semantics. This means I am interested in evidence from experiments, natural language data, fieldwork, and theoretical work, when asking questions about the nature of the universal semantic frameworks in human language.

I am currently a PhD researcher in Linguistics at Queen Mary University of London. My project is funded by LISS DTP. This work seeks to better understand the limits and extent of how we are able to link sentences. I am focusing on British Sign Language, and in particular the ways in which you can link sentences using ‘non-manual markers’ such as movement of the head or face. You can find more information under the 'Research Projects' section of this website.

I am also interested in how numerals and nouns combine. This was the subject of my Master’s Thesis, which I am currently preparing for publication. For this I designed an Artificial Language Learning experiment.

I am passionate about making academia accessible, at all levels. This website is currently under construction. I am working to get BSL translations for this website as soon as I can.